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What is Spectre Security!? An introduction
Last Updated 7 years ago

We started Spectre Security Coin to bridge the gap between crypto coin developers and security professionals. Many coin developers require extensive infrastructure to maintain day to day operations. While hobbyist, investors, and traders require coin developers to do this securely and professionally.

Security Professionals can help identify issues with a coin platform, infrastructure, and help find better ways to secure the network. Networks require constant monitoring and upgrades to ensure any weakness found can be addressed in the quickest manner. Exchanges and Web Wallets have been constant attack vectors for criminals. This creates a prime space for security professionals to provide solutions to crypto developers.

Spectre Security uses an advanced hybrid system combining Proof-of-Work, Proof-of-Stake and Masternode as per coin mining method.

To summarize:
- Bridges the gap between coin developers and security professionals
- Extremely fast and even faster with the use of Masternode features
- Advanced Hybrid of PoW, PoS and Masternode

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